design entertainment

Best Stand-up

About me

I inspire new possibilities to deepen love, intimacy and self-expression. I mainly write articles about that, but you'll also find refrences on design, fitness and finance. More

Title says it all. I'll be updating this page continuously.

Equanimity and the bird revelation by Dave Chapelle

Typical Chapelle now a days. He's funny, sure, but at the same time he's trying to lecture which is a little off-putting.

Sticks and stones by Dave Chapelle

Not only really funny but timely as he does what comedians are supposed to do, make jokes about everything, in these times of "cancel culture".

Seriously funny by Kevin Hart

I was skeptical of the guy at first but it turned out to be really funny. A lot of physical humour so it’s better to watch it than listen.

Silent but deadly by Kevin Smith

It's alright. I like the guy and he's funny. But he doesn't seem to be trying; the stories are really casual and random.

Last updated 01 April 2020


I inspire new possibilities to deepen love, intimacy and self-expression. I mainly write articles about that, but you'll also find refrences on design, fitness and finance. More

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